An easy Summer Salad recipe

An easy Summer Salad recipe July 20, 2019
Summer Salad Recipe

Green Beans & Potato Salad

Ciao Bellos & Bellas! The sultry summer has arrived. It’s been sunny and beautiful in BC. Not as hot as in Phoenix though where I went for a wedding earlier this month. It was 44 degrees Celsius! After having lots of rich food in those temperatures all I wanted to eat was a light, and clean summer salad recipe.

Salads are my favorite go to dishes for summer because they can be a main, or a side, plus I can take them on picnics. I grew up eating a variety of bean & potato salads. I love how Italians will also combine these ingredients in beautiful room temperature dishes.

This recipe can be made ahead of time and then chilled so you can and take it on picnics or make it just before dinner and have it warm. Add a grain like Farro, or a can of tuna, and you have a main course. My Pasta Salad from last summer can also be a main. If you enjoy this recipe join the over 950 members of the Family that receive a new one every 4 weeks.  After you’re done making this recipe check out my upcoming August Pasta Class Vancouver.

Enjoy the dish, share and let me know how it turns out. Most importantly always remember to #EatwiththhoseyouLove TM

Pasta Boy Peter

Light, fresh & easy summer salad recipe: New Potatoes and Green Beans Salad

Serves 2

As with any recipe always use safe cooking procedures, & food safe practices. Health Canada is a great site for all food safe guidelines.


French/Green Beans sliced into thirds (Yellow beans will work as well) – Approximately 1 pound

1 pound of new potatoes scrubbed clean and cut into ¼ inch (6mm) slices. I halve them and then slice them into half-moons.

3 TBSP of olive oil is a good start but I always dress to taste

4 TBSP of white wine vinegar is a is a good start but I always dress to taste

Fresh Parsley – Italian or Curly will work – Roughly Chopped

4 Green Onions sliced nice and thin. Use the whole green onion but clean off the roots.

Salt & Pepper to taste


Large Sautee pan

2 Bowls – One for washing everything and one for chilling the beans

Large Salad bowl


You need to first remove the tips of the beans. Just snap off the small tips off each bean.

A faster way to clean all of them is to line up all the beans evenly and cut off the tips. You will waste a little more of the bean though.

Wash the beans in cold water.

Have a fresh bowl of water ready to place your cooked beans in. This stops them from cooking.

Fill a fry pan or sauté pan large enough to hold all the beans spread flat across the bottom. Add 3 to 4 inches of water to your pan and bring it to a boil. Add a few heavy pinches of Salt and then lay your beans down in the water. Don’t burn your fingers. Firsthand experience here.

Set a timer for 4 minutes. Taste the beans at 4 minutes. Old school Italians like them fully cooked. I like a little bite. You choose.

When the beans are ready pull them out. Add them to your bowl of cold water. This stops the cooking process.

Now you boil the potatoes until they are fork tender. They should not be mushy or falling apart but I do like it when they just start to get a creamy mouth feel. You can cook them in the same water or fresh water as you please.

When your potatoes are ready, drain them but save 3 TBSP of the potato water.

Dressing the Salad

Add the hot potatoes, beans, onions, and parsley to your serving bowl. Now season with salt and pepper then toss. Now add your vinegar and toss. Lastly add your olive oil and 1 TBSP of the potato water and toss. It should become slightly creamy. If not add a touch more potato water and repeat.

Adjust oil, vinegar, and seasoning to your liking

I find this dish works best when you use more vinegar then normal making it nice and tart. Also toss everything together warm to get the best result in coating the ingredients. Let the dish cool down and then refrigerate it if you like.

At this point you could also toss in cooked Faro for a vegetarian main dish.

That’s it! An easy and tasty summer salad recipe for you and yours.

If you like this recipe please share, like and comment then join me for a cooking class Vancouver.

You can also join the over 950 members of the Family that receive a recipe every 3 to 4 weeks in my Recipe & a Story newsletter.

Now go and always #EatwiththoseyouLove TM


Pasta Boy Peter – Cooking Classes Vancouver

Copyright Peter Ciuffa of Pasta Boy Peter Inc.2019

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