How to cook Asparagus in a Lemon Butter Sauce

How to cook Asparagus in a Lemon Butter Sauce May 10, 20192 Comments
Aspargus in a Lemon Butter Sauce tossed with Pasta

An easy pasta recipe, or side dish, which is a perfect vegetarian option.

Ciao Bellos & Bellas! Ah spring has sprung. I love it when the first veggies of spring begin to appear in grocery stores and soon all the local goodies from Vancouver farmers will arrive. Asparagus is one of those beautiful veggies that I cannot get enough of this time of year. It’s not just me either, the Romans prized them and they were also found in Egyptian tombs. That’s the end of the history lesson.

I always tell a little story first so if you want to go directly to the recipe just scroll down. If you enjoy this recipe join the over 900 members of the Family that receive a new one every 4 weeks.

Memories from my table

Two stocks of wild asparagus.
Wild Asparagus in the Vancouver Lower Mainland

One of my fondest memories of trips to Italy was going out asparagus hunting with my cousin Ernesto in my Mother’s home town. If you ever get the chance to hunt for, and eat, wild asparagus please for the love of all that’s green jump on it!

I love cultivated asparagus and it can take up to two to five years for farmer’s to be able to harvest their first crop but wild ones are even better. They have a flavour that is sweeter than the cultivated ones and because they are so fresh they are not woody at all.

Above are two I found out and about in the Lower Mainland the other day.

My Zia Vincenza (Aunt) cooked them simply and tossed them in Pasta with olive oil. Now remember most Italians, especially older ones, cook their veggies all the way through so there was no bite. It didn’t matter as the flavour with the pasta and a touch of olive oil was simple and beautiful.

Other ways to cook asparagus: grilled, in frittatas, wrapped in prosciutto or in risotto.

Cooked asparagus on the grill
Another way to cook asparagus, grilled.

When I started working in higher end restaurants they would always do asparagus in butter and I found that the extra richness went beautifully with the bright green flavour of the vegetable. Add a little lemon and things went to another level.

Below is my asparagus recipe for a lemon butter sauce. I go through the preparation and how to cook asparagus with the butter and lemon but you could easily substitute Olive Oil. The pasta recipe and or vegetarian side dish would be lighter and still gorgeous. I do make sure my asparagus has a bit of bite but they are cooked through. If you like them more or less cooked please adjust accordingly.

I like to joke this is how rich Nonnas cooked asparagus because of the butter, but I think olive oil Nonna is just as rich. Please do try the dish, share the recipe, and let me know your thoughts in the comments. What other recipes, or classes would you like to see?

After you’re done making this recipe check out my upcoming cooking classes Vancouver. They sell out months in advance so don’t wait to long or you’ll be disappointed.

Enjoy the dish but most importantly always remember to #EatwiththhoseyouLove TM

Pasta Boy Peter

Asparagus in a Lemon Butter Sauce

Asparagus cooked in a lemon butter sauce and tossed with pasta.

As with any recipe always use safe cooking procedures, & food safe practices. Health Canada is a great site for all food safe guidelines.


1 to 2 bundles of asparagus – Approximately 1 pound (To get the closest flavour to wild asparagus possible find some that is freshly cut and locally grown. Vancouver Farmers Market

5 TBSP of Butter or Substitute olive oil

1 Lemon for zesting and the juice

Parmesan or Pecorino Romano cheese for grating

Salt & Pepper to taste

500 grams Home made fresh pasta like I teach;) or

500 grams of Bronze extruded penne. Spaghetti works as well. (Approximately 1 pound. The recipe below is written for dry pasta. For fresh pasta the cooking process will be quicker but all the other directions apply.)

How to cook the Asparagus:

Wash the asparagus in cold water.

You need to first remove the fibrous, tough, part of the stem. Hold the thick bottom part of the stem and then the middle part of the stem and bend. The asparagus will snap at the part you cannot eat. You should save those tough bits though. I add them to my pasta water as I bring it to a boil then remove them. This will add flavour to your pasta as it cooks.

A faster way to clean all of them is to take a mid-sized stalk and snap it. Then line up all the other stalks with it and cut across. You will, for the most part, get rid of all the tough bits.

Fill a fry pan or sauté pan large enough to hold all the asparagus spread flat across the bottom. Add 1.5-2 inches of water and bring it to a boil. Add a few heavy pinches of Salt and then lay your asparagus down in the water. Don’t burn your fingers. Firsthand experience here.

Set a timer for 1 minute. When a minute is up pull out the asparagus, which have just started to wilt and become soft, and add them to your bowl of cold water. This stops the cooking process.

Lemon Butter Sauce Recipe:

Melt your butter at a medium heat in a heavy bottomed sauté pan that will be big enough to hold all the asparagus. Do not brown the butter.

Side Dish:

If you’re using your asparagus as a side dish place them whole in your buttered pan. Turn to a medium low heat and cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and add the lemon zest and the juice of ½ a lemon to the pan. Turn your heat down to low and return the pan to the heat for 1 minute more swirling to combine all the flavours. Add salt & pepper to taste. If you like more chew cook less, less chew cook more. Easy. Plate it and eat!

Pasta Dish:

Boil 4 litres (minimum) in a large pot for pasta. Add the tough stalks of the asparagus to the water as it boils for extra flavour. Once it is boiling remove your stalks, and add 1 TBSP of salt. The water should taste like the sea.

Add your pasta to the water and set a timer for 6 minutes.

Melt your butter at a medium heat in a heavy bottomed sauté pan that will be big enough to hold all the asparagus. Better yet if you have a pan that will be big enough to hold the pasta and Asparagus together use that. Do not brown the butter. Once it has melted remove it from the heat.

When your timer has gone off taste your pasta. Estimate how much longer you will need to cook your pasta to al dente. Set your timer for that. The best way to know is to carefully taste it every so often. Again personal experience, do it carefully. At 2 minutes before your pasta is ready finish cooking your asparagus.

Slice your stalks into thirds and add them to your butter. Turn to a medium low heat and cook for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and add the lemon zest and juice of ½ a lemon to the pan.

Finishing the Pasta in a bowl

IF your pan is not big enough to combine all the ingredients in follow these directions.

Warm a large ceramic bowl. When your pasta is almost al dente add a couple of TBSP of pasta water to your butter and asparagus to help the sauce emulsify. Put the sauce back on the heat and swirl until it has emulsified, combined, with the pasta water. aprox 30 to 45 seconds.

Cook the pasta to al dente and add the pasta to the bowl, then toss it with the asparagus and butter. Finish it with more lemon zest, salt and pepper to taste plus a generous grating of cheese.

Finishing the Pasta in the pan

IF your pan is big enough for all the ingredients then follow these directions.

When your pasta is almost al dente add a couple of TBSP of pasta water to your butter and asparagus to help the sauce emulsify. Drain your pasta immediately and add it to the asparagus pan.

Turn your heat down to low and return the pan to the heat for 1 more minute swirling & mixing to combine all the flavours until it emulsifies or thickens. Finish it with more lemon zest, salt and pepper to taste plus a generous grating of cheese.

If you like more chew cook less, less chew cook more. Now you know how to cook asparagus and it couldn’t be easier. Plate it and eat!

If you like this one please share, like and comment then join us for a cooking class in Vancouver.

You can also join the over 900 members of the Family that receive a recipe every 3 to 4 weeks in my Recipe & a Story newsletter.

Now go and always #EatwiththoseyouLove TM


Pasta Boy Peter – Cooking Classes Vancouver

Copyright Peter Ciuffa of Pasta Boy Peter Inc.2019


  1. Peter, I love your recipes and I love love love that you talk about Nonna and hunting for asparagus with Ernesto. Made me smile so much. It’s been a long time since I’ve been back to Broccostella but you’ve inspired me to plan a trip some time! I’m going to cook this for dinner tonight. Can’t wait! I have all of these ingredients at home, so it’s an easy one. I’m going to check for more… so yummy. Every time I see a video or read a post from you, I’m so proud of you and say to everyone, that’s my cousin, amazing isn’t he. You are. Lots of love to you Cuz and hope to see you again soon. Miss you and D so much – hope to ‘eat with you’ soon. Hugs from Switzerland… where we still have snow! Renata x

    1. Bella! I hope you are well. Thank-you so much for this. Made me emotional. I miss you too and think of me when you make this. I do hope we see each other soon.
      Love Peter

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