Italian Brunch Recipe & a Story: Eggs on Greens

Italian Brunch Recipe & a Story: Eggs on Greens November 26, 2017

#Recipe idea & #Story I was once a chubby young boy. I was teased a lot about that growing up. They do say pain helps form the artist. I went to New York as a kid for my cousins wedding. It was a huge affair and I have to say I fell in love with #NYC, and its girls, that trip. Zia Maria, my Ma’s Sister, and her Family treated me and my Sis like royalty.

One night coming home from an Italian Street festival for some long forgotten Saint I cried out “I’m hungry Zia!” I was always hungry. She set to work pan frying bitter greens from her garden with Olive Oil and Garlic. Now days I like to add pepperoncini as well, but I was a kid. She then expertly fried two over easy eggs and placed them on top of those greens. She served it all with a chunk of Italian bread. This was 11 pm at night on a humid August day in NYC over 30 years ago, but I’ll never forget the taste of the fat creamy yolk in contrast to those bitter greens. The funny thing was before I tasted it I thought it was going to be gross.

This morning I woke up and wanted some eggs which I was just going to cook and eat quickly. Then I saw I had some greens and thought to myself “I’ll pan fry them and put the egg on top.” When I plated it, a flood of memories of Zia came back to me. Eggs and pan fried greens with bread. It is one of the best brunch items ever and you can make it at home. I won’t be surprised if after this post I see it on some restaurant menus in Vancouver. Thanks for the heads up about that Jimmy.

Boiled or fried eggs will work, but fried are best. Food is a memory and a story. I hope you enjoy, cook and try it. Leave a comment, or a note and please do share, but most importantly #EatwiththoseyouLove Thanks Zia, Zio and all the Family in NYC for all you did that trip and for all the love you gave me when I acted there. I Love you all! Peter

A #recipe idea and a #story from my food life.

Copyright Peter Ciuffa

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